Four Edmonton buses fumigated in 2013 for bed bugs
Beacon Reporter AB | May 28, 2013 |
Edmonton fumigates buses for bed bugs as a precaution
Bed bugs
Four Edmonton buses were fumigated this year following reports of bed bugs.
The City of Edmonton says it has fumigated four buses in 2013 following reports bed bugs had been found.
Officials say that while subsequent inspections did not reveal the presence of bed bugs on any buses, Edmonton Transit System (ETS) buses are fumigated as a precaution whenever reports of bed bugs or other parasites are received.
The city says it inspects its buses daily and sanitizes them from bumper to bumper.
While there is no foolproof way to prevent certain parasites from accessing a public transit system in Edmonton, the city says it prefers to be diligent.
The Edmonton Transit System operates more than 900 buses, which transport about 300,000 passengers each weekday.
Bed bugs are oval, flat and red-brown wingless insects that feed on the blood of people and animals.
They makes their homes in sofas, bed mattresses and other soft furnishings.
According to Alberta Health Services (AHS), the insects feed mainly at night causing small, hard, swollen, white welts on the skin that may become inflamed and itch severely.
AHS says they do not transmit any diseases.
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