Monday, November 12, 2012

How to export furniture or personal goods from Malaysia to Australia? Bagaimana hendak eksport Perabot dan Barang persendirian daripada Malaysia ke Australia?

How to export furniture or personal goods from Malaysia to Australia?

Many are not sure and do not understand the rules and methods of exporting to Australia, especially methods of pest control treatment.

All items should be shipped to meet the condition in the Customs act Malaysia and Australia. The trouble is looking for pest control in the implementation of the goods being exported.

Various ways can be, but according to established procedures, such as here:

Risk not follow the procedure:

1. Fumigation performed again in Australia
2. items disposed
3. Sent back to the country of origin.

Above matters;
- Will result in increased shipping costs.
- License will be suspended (company fumigation)
- Exports decreased
- The company can not sell a product and not reliable.

Preparation before the above happens;
1. Ensure all products / goods to be clean of soil effects (if any).
2. Make sure that the product has been cleaned of any dust and dirt.
3. Treatment fumigation / pest extermination treatment apply. (Methyl bromide / PH3 / Others)
4. Have a valid Certificate of Treatment.
5. Doing right by prosuder treatment. (Malaysia Fumigation Scheme Accredition-MAFAS / Australia Accredition Fumigation Scheme - AFAS)


Bagaimana hendak eksport Perabot dan Barang persendirian daripada Malaysia ke Australia?

Ramai yang tidak pasti dan tidak memahami peraturan-peraturan dan kaedah mengeksport ke Australia terutama kaedah rawatan kawalan perosak.

Setiap barangan yang perlu di eksport perlu memenuhi syarat seperti dalam akta kastam Malaysia dan Australia. Masalah yang timbul adalah cari pelaksanan kawalan makhluk perosak dalam barangan yang hendak di eksport.

Pelbagai cara boleh, akan tetapi mengikut prosedur yang telah ditetapkan seperti di sini :

Risiko tidak mengikut prosedur:

1. Fumigasi dilakukan semula di Australia
2. Barang dilupuskan
3. Menghantar pulang ke Negara asal.

Perkara-perkara atas;
- akan menyebabkan kos penghantaran meningkat.
- lesen akan digantung (syarikat pewasapan)
- ekport berkurangan
- produk syarikat tidak laku dan tidak dipercayai.

Persediaan sebelum perkara di atas terjadi;
1. Pastikan semua produk / barang perlu bersih daripada kesan tanah (jika ada).
2. Pastikan produk telah di bersihkan daripada sebarang habuk dan kekotoran.
3. Rawatan pewasapan / rawatan pemusnahan perosak wajib dilakukan. (Methyl bromide / PH3 / Others)
4. Mempunyai Sijil Rawatan yang sah.
5. Melakukan mengikut prosuder rawatan  yang betul. (Malaysia Accredition Fumigation Scheme -MAFAS / Australia Fumigation Accredition Scheme - AFAS)